not sure when you'll read this but i'm sure you'll read this nonetheless.
i'm not sure what made me say what i said earlier today. extra information not needed to be known?
but anyhow i always thought and believed this hand that life has dealt me has made me mature faster than what normally would. and i still believe so. that in it all, it's a blessing in disguise. and that knowing that God iz still in control. i'm still holding on to that slim shimmer of hope, that God can turn things around the day they come to know Jesus. and that God will always and always be true to who He iz.
juz like another global harvest message said:
I trust in divine order, knowing all is coming together for greater good.
A quilter cuts and sorts dozens, or even hundreds, of shapes of fabric before creating a quilt. If I were to look at all the loose pieces, they might not seem to have a pattern or purpose. But after they have been sewn together, I can see a colorful design appear as a beautiful, durable quilt.
I may not always see the coming-together of the pieces of my life at a time when much is happening. Yet I trust that divine order is always present. Spirit is at work in the details of life.
As independent as activities and surroundings may seem to be of one another, they blend together in an intricate pattern. And even when I do not see evidence of good taking shape and emerging, I trust that it is there. Divine order is present in my circumstances, and all is coming together for good.
and i'm starting to tink i know why God made me fat :p
extra padding so that i wont hurt nor feel that much pain when i fall. considering the fact that He sorta made me that teeeny weeeeny bit clumsier than others :pLabels: quotes :D
*throbs @21:14 <3
There .
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